
Academy of Tae Kwon Do provides transportation to both academy locations in West Springfield, MA, as well as the location in Springfield, MA. Below is our transportation information. For more information on our programs and policies, download our Family Handbook here

Transportation Plan

A licensed and insured van transports children to and from the center. Children are buckled into booster seats or seat belts and checked by the driver. Driver will review the attendance list and determine if all children are present before leaving school. The same plan is in place for transportation during emergencies and field trips.


The Transportation Administrator is Angela Park, who can be reached at 413-737-5425 or 413-363-5053.


A licensed staff member provides transportation. Our driver is responsible for supervising children while they are being transported to the program.

The driver will respond to disruptive behavior by verbal reminders of rules and proper behavior during transport. If children unbuckle or refuse, the driver will pull the van over to a safe location, reiterate regulations, and then buckle up the children and proceed.


The driver will respond to medical emergencies by pulling the van over and attending to the child. He will then determine if 911 will be called and then use emergency cards to call the child's parents.


The system of communication with the driver will be with a cell phone.


The driver will check in with the school to determine if the child was in attendance that day. If so, the driver will call the child's parents to resolve the problem. The same will occur at the time of drop-offs. If a parent or approved adult is absent, the parent will be contacted to arrange the child's pick-up at the program. If the parent can not be contacted, the administrator will call the emergency contacts on the enrollment form. If the program can not reach anyone for pick up, the child will be brought to the police station, and DC will be notified. The center will do as much as possible to work with the parents to avoid such a situation.


Children are brought by a driver who is licensed. He accompanies children into the center and stays with them for the after-school program.


If the vehicle is disabled, the driver or licensee will arrange appropriate transportation to safely bring the children to the center.


If a moving violation or accident occurs, the Transportation Administrator will contact all parents to discuss what has happened. The safety of the children is our number one priority.

For questions about transportation, call 413-737-5425.

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